Letter to a Superhero

To my dearest Superheroes,

Of all the many things in this life that I am committed to teaching you, the following are some of the finer points to take note of...

Don't let a day go by without doing something for someone else. It's as easy as holding the door for someone. It makes them happy and makes you happy too.

Invite the new kid to sit with you on the bus or eat with you at lunch.

Be creative! You grew up with a mom wielding a glue gun and a dad who constructed creations out of sheetmetal and wood.

Be passionate about your job. You don't have to keep the same one the rest of your life, but like what you do.

We all have to do the grunt work sometimes. It doesn't matter how educated you are or how much money you have.

Be active in your own life. Don't let it pass you by.

Dumb actions early in life can alter your ability to get the job you'd like in the future.

Go on vacation with your family at least once a year. Families need to learn how to vacation with one another.

Always send thank you notes (that you've written).

Live without debt. Money problems ruin marriages, friendships, and jobs.

Treat the waitress with respect.

Do not settle for a spouse. Wait. God has just the right one for you.

Sex is great - just save it for the one you love!

Depression is hard to handle. If you struggle with it, learn how to deal with it and get help.

Having a relationship with God is important.  

Laugh! It's the best stress reliever.

Be mindful of what you watch on TV or the internet. Too much of a bad thing is bad.

Everyone needs to have boundaries in their relationships. It's too easy to get pulled in every direction.

You don't need alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes to have a good time or to have friends that matter.

The best thing you can do for your children is to love your spouse.

No fish handshakes! Have a firm handshake, it shows your confidence.

Work Hard, Play Hard.

Give back to your community. While you're doing good for others, it really does the most for you!

Try to use your time wisely. Too much free time is not productive.

Life, love, and relationships are not like the movies. Neither is sex.

Lending someone money can ruin a perfectly good relationship and your bank account.

Always "give it your best" - give 90% at work and save 10% for home. Your family deserves some of your best too.

Wear Sunscreen. Trust me.

Remember compliments you receive and don't be fearful to return them. Forget the insults.

Using good manners and being respectful can help you land your dream job.

You've been given some great gifts and talents. Find time to nurture them.

Mental health days are good for the soul.

Choose a spouse that is also your best friend. That will make you happiest in the end.

Call your mom.


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