
Its a new year and time for new resolutions!

Every year I list my year's resolutions on a small piece of paper and I keep it in my purse. Believe it or not...I tend to look at it more this way. I list short-long-term goals that mean something to me. Of course eating healthy is always on there but this year I think I might try a little something more to add to that. Perhaps an article of clothing or shoes or something to work for, you know.

At any rate, I don't make a super long list of stuff I want that I prolly won't achieve cause then what good is that? My list tends to be ongoing sorta. I make the inital list and then tend to add to it throughout the year a bit. Nothing earth shattering, just tweak it a little here or there.

For example: this year, eating clean is on my list. Has been in years past but last year I really did pretty good at it for 4 months and then failed considerably the last 3months of the year. But I learned something (isn't that the goal of the list, really). I learned that sugar and me...just DO. NOT. MIX!
So...eating clean is my resolution/goal but since I know sugar is bad for my arse...the BIGGEST resolution is to detox from it and REALLY LEAVE IT BEHIND! So, maybe eating clean may be a challenge one day or two but I know that if I avoid that dirty devil 'sucre' I am keeping within my list.

Works for me.

I completed and/or worked on all but one resolution for 2011 and that ONE was a fluffy one. LOL. I add at least one of those to the list too.  So not too bad.

I leave the list in my purse because I tend to "clean out" that bucket more often than look at my fridge door or message center. THAT was one of my resolutions from years not rely on fridge for important postings/reminders because I was to not go near the fridge that often in a day.  It worked!  Clean fridge...other than children's photos and school art.

Happy New Year...what's on your list this year?


  1. Okay, I looked, but I'm going to have to keep coming back to it for it all to sink in - planning = success.


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