Give Thanks

My boys were sick this past week, Austin lasted almost a full week without actually coming down with the flu and when he did it was thankfully just a little 24hr thingy; but Trent was sick for 5 full days! Poor baby, why is it that the littlest of them acts the toughest but always seems to fall the hardest. They were so helpless and I tried so hard to keep their spirits up the best I could; a few times I was frustrated beyond that Trent was sick for what seemed like an eternity. Just when we thought he was on the mend he would relapse once again. He may very well be my little man with a bit of a sensitive tummy but make no mistake, he makes it clear that his will to feel better is strong. Such a little hero!

With all that unfolded this past week, there were some humorous moments tangled in all the emotions, I got to thinking about how thankful I am for the good health my family does have. Some are not so lucky. As sad and infuriating as it is to be down with a cold or the nasty flu, my boys are healthy enough to fight a good fight and come out on top in the end. As I myself was stricken with the “bug” on Friday night, I took a moment to give thought about all the children who have to fight a battle everyday of their life in order to be healthy. The children who wish and hope everyday to turn the corner of an illness to find that they have overcome it!

The holidays are now approaching and I know as well as the next person that this year hasn’t been the most "fiscally sound" for a lot of families. I also know that this time of year many families try to give back to people who are less fortunate or to organizations that are always in need. This year, I would like for everyone to consider a donation of an item or two to your local (or even just a familiar) Children’s Hospital. The following is the “wish list” from the Doernbecher Children’s Hospital in Portland, Oregon.

The idea is basic:
“Many families arrive at the hospital in emergency situations; unprepared for their stay. The items on the list help ease children’s fears of being in the hospital and help in taking their minds of surgeries and treatments.”
I haven’t had to be closely familiar with the hospital (Thank the Lord above), but while in college a very dear friend and I made a vow to contribute at the very least, two items from the list every year at Christmas (collectively providing some entertainment for one child). It’s not hard to do really, since it seems this time of year it is so easy to overbuy a toy or two anyway; and at the time neither one of us had kids of our own but we had plenty of nieces & nephews...and let's face it--shopping for toys is always fun! Now that I have children of my own, the sentiment takes on something more meaningful. If my kids were ever faced with an obstacle such as cancer or other disease; I know we have resources available to us and Doernbecher is just one of them (the CCA is another but I will chat that one up around Valentine’s Day).

If anyone considers a gift or two this season; mine and my college buddy’s gifts usually serve as a kick off to our holidays and we would be happy to deliver yours along with ours around the 5th of December.

Just a thought, well my thought while comforting my boys during their flu…and a friendly PSA I guess.

Oh and can humor actually be found in illness?
Austin said it best this week:
"Mama, I don’t want to be sick, I don’t want to throw up and I don’t want to be Trent’s friend anymore!"
"Oh Austin, why is that?"
"Cuz he got me HIS sick!"
They made up, don’t you worry.

This post is a duplicate from the superherochronicles...maybe you should folllow me there too!  :)
OH and if you do follow me there as well...could you kindly change the url on your blogroll from dutchesofearls.blogspot to


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