It used to be that Costco was the 100-dollar store (actually it still is) but now Target has far surpassed that title. Why o why is it that I cannot just “run-in-real-quick-like” to pick up something as functional as diapers without leaving with a bunch of crap that I think are needed. Well, in my defense, a majority of the time they are items that are needed; I just hadn’t planned for them on that particular trip. I think since I purchase more items for the boys than anyone else (namely myself); I am better able to “okay” the trip. And the pattern in which I shop at the place…I try actually consciously to mix it up every time, but it never fails…I still end up hitting the same stops in the store. This is my usual plan (or not even planned) attack, especially since I am on limited time as I make this stop on my lunch hour-OFTEN. I walk in the doors, head directly for diapers but on the way there I make a pass through the clothing (as it is on my right and on my left is little girls—don’t have any of them), pickup said diapers, make a quick run through the boys section for any “deals or must-have’s” and almost always come out with a t-shirt or two or jeans or shorts or pajamas (I have boys, all are must have items to replace the now worn out current items), then-THEN I always always get caught up in the paper/binder/office supply area! It’s all that damn color and temptation for organization. EVERY.TIME! Then I try to pull myself back by doing a quick looksey in the toys…always on the lookout for a timeless cheap Christmas item (mostly stocking and small tuck in or gift stuff), which then leads me to the movies and music and books…because it’s right there. Then I realize “get me outta here” and make my way to the checkout only to have to pass the cleaning supplies and shampoo (I’ve become a shampoo junkie for some reason…not sure why, maybe because I haven’t had a good haircut in over a year). Almost there. Almost to the finish. No wait, cards…I like cards (but I don’t buy ‘em, I make my own), and frames and oh maybe I remember I need a little something in the way of organizing the boys, or the hubs, or me. Oh boy, get me out! Done. There. Made it through the checkout line and paid and regretful for a couple items that seem a little frivolous…but really, it’s Target. I mean how frivolous can one get from a Target? It’s functional. Hmmm, Starbucks…maybe I need one of those on my way out. Nope, no time…and I just spent too much anyway…well, diapers are a necessity and those right off the bat hit me with a $25-$35 loss right in the door. SO it’s justified, right? Right?
There really are some trips where I have told myself to go about my “stalking” from a different approach. Mix it up and come in from the opposite side of the diapers (it starts with diapers every time) and maybe my end result will be completely different and more fruitful in the pocketbook end. Nope. Spend more than necessary time in that damn paper/binder/office supply area. Again, it’s the damn color! I love love the color. And to get myself out I spend time in the home organization/kitchen gadgetry area. See, it just is not possible for me to practice Target self restraint. Again, in my defense-those diapers are what really make my bill so much more than what it could be. I really do practice pretty decent self restraint with making my purchases (outside of diapers). But wandering about the store is many time cathartic for me. I am on lunch, while on a time constraint I am without kids in tow—which in itself makes this time a luxury…lunch hour or not. And all the color, it’s probably the closest thing I have ever had (or probably will ever have) to a spa day. Kind of like a rejuvenation for my creation. Hmmm, I like that.
Simply put, I need to work at Target. Can we say, side job. Yup. Oh don’t think I haven’t already applied, but given the lengthy application/questionnaire process; I think they are on to me. Really, it’s not for the sake of any employee discount or anything…I just love target. Who doesn’t?
What’s your source of rejuvenation for your creation?
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