Is it still referred to as as rain slicker?

I wrangled them up and pulled each of their hoods over their heads making mention that “it is raining, cover up”. Both have been on the verge of a cold and any efforts made to discourage illness are welcomed by this mama. In doing so, another mommy snickers a bit and says to me, “we live in Oregon”.
Now, on most days I choose to ignore the sideline comments, especially from this particular mommy. Don’t get me wrong, she seems nice enough—God loving, charity working, deeply prayerful and always ready to assist anyone in their time of need—but her child is the one who torments my son on a weekly basis and that alone, torments me. She’s a bitter! In fact, she is the one who introduced biting to my sons (and I say that with complete confidence). She squeals at a very high pitch if she doesn’t get her way which is completely understandable to me, she is 3.5-going on 4, she man handles anything and anyone she shows an interest in, and she scratches! Man o man does this girl scratch! Apparently one day she was washing her hands at the sink and my punk wanted to do the same, understandable, fun in water is doubled when it happens in numbers. Unfortunately, my punk has a small issue with patience and at the time this incident occurred he was 2.5 going on 12. A fit ensued and of course my son attempted to push his lady friend off the stool to make room for naughty. She did not like it—nope, not one bit. So she hauled out and will all her might scratched my little punk clean across the face. Starting at the left side of his neck, continuing a path along his left cheek, middle of his nose and ending her assault high upon his right cheek bone! Now, I ask…was this really necessary? When I walked in to pick him up that day, her mommy was standing there and before I could even say hello was informing that “her child had hurt my child”. Upon seeing his battle wounds…what could I say? I just kept my mouth shut, my son was over it and no need to drudge it back up at 5:30 in the afternoon (even though a small part of me wanted to). She and her she-devil left and daycare mommy filled me in on the particulars. I kept my wits about me, I had to. I had to prepare myself for dad’s reaction…I knew that wouldn’t be good.
Anywho, as I looked up at this mommy and saw that her daughter was wearing a RAIN SLICKER (do they even call them that anymore?), I couldn’t bite my tongue any longer. I chuckled (in attempt to make light of what I was about to say), and stated very cheerfully “you make jest at my request to put my boys’ hoods up, since we live in Oregon and all, but your kid is wearing a full on RAIN COAT!”. I really don’t think it was all that rude of a comment, do you? But I think I made my point clear. She replied on our way out the door (as we all left together), “it’s a ladybug, her coat looks like a ladybug” (referring to the outer design of the jacket). I say “yes, and it is cute”. And as I am buckling the boys into their car seats, I hear her bellowing across the roof of her minivan in my direction, “and she is cute!”. Whatever God-like mama, what-eva!
Hmmmm…I felt accomplished!
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