Wish List
Dear Santa,
While it has been kinda a rough year for everyone involved, I think that I have been a pretty good girl. So here is my list for this upcoming Christmas night:
1. I would like to complete "Sex in the City". NO, not the act of sex in the city...the TV show, silly man (hmpf...typical)! I need season's 2, 4, 5, and 6 to complete my collection. It makes me happy. If it helps, they are all on sale at Target right now...a steal at $8.99 each! No coupon necessary.
2. Now that the baby is a year old, I could use an iPod (yes, that is correct...I do not own one, no need to rub it in). I need to lose the extra cush I provided for said baby and I could use it while I workout...ok, ok, so maybe I should show that I am making the effort to do that~workout! In my defense...it wasn't one of my New Year's resolutions and I think myself quite proud for sticking to that. Most make lists and keep near to none of their resolutions...at least I don't set myself up for failure!
3. I want just once for my Christmas cookies to turn out right. I think I have finally mastered the recipe but the whole rolling out of the dough is just insanity in my world. If you could find it in you to see that this year, my cookies are not too crisp, not too gooey, and altogether edible that would be swell. Oh, I will actually need this prior to 12/24...so maybe aroung the 15th. If that coincides with your schedule and all.
4. Are you in the market for providing some patience? If so, could you provide my 2 year-old with that. You see, I am kinda nearing the end of my rope with that one and while I know I have an eternity of putting up with it...a little right now could very well mean the difference of celebrating 3 and getting myself commited. No need to wrap it up, just send it on down. Soon. Please. Thank You.
5. Next time I take the boys to the Library, could maybe see to it that the ducks just go and hide somewhere? I am not one to shun nature and all its' glory's, but seriously? My boys just don't really have a whole lot of fear right now and they just don't seem to understand (no matter how blue in the face I turn at explaining it to them), that ducks are living animals and have feelings too. Throwing bread...ok, throwing leaves or grass...not really harmful but not really nice either, but throwing rocks...pu-lease! Oh and I am pretty sure the ducks could live even happier without two snotty kids chasing them while screaming "HERE DUCKY DUCKY"! Really, think of it as a Christmas wish made on behalf of said ducks...and every other living creature that may attempt to cross our path.
6. There's the small task of helping me with my memory. Apparently two pregnancies in 3 years has afforded me the awful reality of memory loss. I remember big things, it's just the little things that mean the most that I tend to lose track of. For example, that damn money tree I planted this past spring...I have failed to recall where it was planted. If I could just remember, I could collect its' fruit and the discussion of the items on this list wouldn't be necessary. EXCEPT for that one about protecting God's creatures from my children.
7. Oh, and if all else fails...I just want this:

While it has been kinda a rough year for everyone involved, I think that I have been a pretty good girl. So here is my list for this upcoming Christmas night:
1. I would like to complete "Sex in the City". NO, not the act of sex in the city...the TV show, silly man (hmpf...typical)! I need season's 2, 4, 5, and 6 to complete my collection. It makes me happy. If it helps, they are all on sale at Target right now...a steal at $8.99 each! No coupon necessary.
2. Now that the baby is a year old, I could use an iPod (yes, that is correct...I do not own one, no need to rub it in). I need to lose the extra cush I provided for said baby and I could use it while I workout...ok, ok, so maybe I should show that I am making the effort to do that~workout! In my defense...it wasn't one of my New Year's resolutions and I think myself quite proud for sticking to that. Most make lists and keep near to none of their resolutions...at least I don't set myself up for failure!
3. I want just once for my Christmas cookies to turn out right. I think I have finally mastered the recipe but the whole rolling out of the dough is just insanity in my world. If you could find it in you to see that this year, my cookies are not too crisp, not too gooey, and altogether edible that would be swell. Oh, I will actually need this prior to 12/24...so maybe aroung the 15th. If that coincides with your schedule and all.
4. Are you in the market for providing some patience? If so, could you provide my 2 year-old with that. You see, I am kinda nearing the end of my rope with that one and while I know I have an eternity of putting up with it...a little right now could very well mean the difference of celebrating 3 and getting myself commited. No need to wrap it up, just send it on down. Soon. Please. Thank You.
5. Next time I take the boys to the Library, could maybe see to it that the ducks just go and hide somewhere? I am not one to shun nature and all its' glory's, but seriously? My boys just don't really have a whole lot of fear right now and they just don't seem to understand (no matter how blue in the face I turn at explaining it to them), that ducks are living animals and have feelings too. Throwing bread...ok, throwing leaves or grass...not really harmful but not really nice either, but throwing rocks...pu-lease! Oh and I am pretty sure the ducks could live even happier without two snotty kids chasing them while screaming "HERE DUCKY DUCKY"! Really, think of it as a Christmas wish made on behalf of said ducks...and every other living creature that may attempt to cross our path.
6. There's the small task of helping me with my memory. Apparently two pregnancies in 3 years has afforded me the awful reality of memory loss. I remember big things, it's just the little things that mean the most that I tend to lose track of. For example, that damn money tree I planted this past spring...I have failed to recall where it was planted. If I could just remember, I could collect its' fruit and the discussion of the items on this list wouldn't be necessary. EXCEPT for that one about protecting God's creatures from my children.
7. Oh, and if all else fails...I just want this:

At least listening to her can help keep me in peace.
Thank you and Happy Holidays!
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