Did you know...

Yes, I am still alive. And in my sickened stupor these things I have learned:

1. Measure liquids with a liquid measure and dry ingredients with a dry measure. WAIT! WHAT? I never knew it wasn’t okay to measure liquids in measuring cups. Did you know this?

2. Bake cookies and cakes with room temperature ingredients. It works best to have all ingredients room temperature when baking. Leave the butter and eggs for a bit before making the cookies. Proof to the Hubs that those two cups of butter that have been sitting on the counter for the last week and a half are sitting there for a true purpose...I. Will. Make. Cookies.

3. Adding a couple tablespoons of coffee (prepared or coffee granules) to chocolate recipes makes the chocolate taste richer. So now my chocolate chip cookies are a safe alternate for my morning caffeine intake...I always knew cookies were a good breakfast option!

4. Last but not least. After three almost four weeks of being sick...drumroll plese...MUCINEX DOES WORK! Those little green monsters on the commercials always scared me away from using the stuff. Boy was that dumb. Took one today and beside feeling higher than a kite (like that feeling) I am not coughing. Woo Hoo! Too bad I could have tried that 3 weeks ago.


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