I love this woman!

There is something so real and simplistic about her but yet not so simple.
Admittedly, she claims that she is “a lifelong underachiever”. I think…so am I. But not in a sad, depressing, mopey, gloomy kind of way. More of a perfectly content and happy way. Oh, yeah there are plenty o’ things I can come up with that I would like to change about myself. But let’s face it, those things, if listed, would merely amount to a bunch of little insignificant pet peeve like traits that really would have no concrete effect on the world as a whole, and they may just depress me. I mean, I am not out to solve world hunger here. Just create a happy life and home.
I procrastinate…but it gets done. And when it does, the end product really is not too shabby. In college, I always waited until the very last minute to start and complete a HUGE project. I always pulled it out and almost always received high marks (that finance teacher just didn’t understand my way of thinking…she was to right brain). I find that I am always thinking and always trying to fine tune my end results of projects (housework included) before I even begin them…which then tends to make me believe that I actually finished the project or task and it looks just how I envisioned it. Actually, it is a known fact that procrastination runs in my family blood. My dad was, my sisters are, my cousin (and best friend) is…it runs on my father’s side…runs rampant! BUT we are all very creative, kind people with a lot of love to give in many forms…it’s a side effect, the procrastination. I am far from perfect...in fact I embrace my imperfections. It is those little flaws that make me who I am. And I like me, isn’t that what really matters?
But I digress...
I stumbled upon her website and fell in absolute lust. She is creative, appears vivacious for life, she’s pretty; she is also pretty handy, an awesome photographer, a great story teller, and the best part…she lives on a working ranch! She lives the life I have always dreamt about, AND she is a self proclaimed procrastinator! I love it!
She has become “that girl” in my life. You know the one. The one that you want to be like, the one in high school that was the top of her game for everything! She has a recipe tab on her website and I try to make everything she posts…just because she does it! Honestly, though, they are fabulous recipes and so simple and the fam has enjoyed every one of them thus far. I am on her website several times a day…did I mention I love her! Am I close to being labeled a stalker?
See, my little Urban Cowboy…procrastinators are productive people!
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