Friend or Foe?

So if somebody requests that you be their friend and you accept, THEN said “friend” deletes you…what does that mean? Are you no longer friends in real time as well or is it just a matter of web convenience? Didn’t communicate that much online and want to clean up your database of friends? I mean, seriously?! What’s up with that?
Really, I shouldn’t care.
And well, even though I have said that I don’t care…I must in some sadistic way to be blogging about it, right?
So it all begs the question…
“Has the term “friend” become a fly by night term or does it really mean something to you?”
I need to ponder that for a moment.
I have friends. They accept me for who I am (isn’t that why they are friends?). If I personally seek out an old lost friend, request that we be friends again (even if only for blogging or facebook purposes) and begin to chat on a relatively regular basis again, I certainly would not all of a sudden and without any notice or explanation choose to up and delete them. I mean it was my choice to seek them out just as much it was their choice to accept my friendship request.
Time spent with a friend is precious to me.
It bothers me that it is viewed as just time wasted to another.
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