Wish List

Dear Santa, While it has been kinda a rough year for everyone involved, I think that I have been a pretty good girl. So here is my list for this upcoming Christmas night: 1. I would like to complete "Sex in the City". NO, not the act of sex in the city...the TV show, silly man (hmpf...typical)! I need season's 2, 4, 5, and 6 to complete my collection. It makes me happy. If it helps, they are all on sale at Target right now...a steal at $8.99 each! No coupon necessary. 2. Now that the baby is a year old, I could use an iPod (yes, that is correct...I do not own one, no need to rub it in). I need to lose the extra cush I provided for said baby and I could use it while I workout...ok, ok, so maybe I should show that I am making the effort to do that~workout! In my defense...it wasn't one of my New Year's resolutions and I think myself quite proud for sticking to that. Most make lists and keep near to none of their resolutions...at least I don't set myself up for f...