
This is what I am trying to recreate for my children, but using the 12 days before Christmas instead: A "Pottery Barn Kids" Exclusive about 2 years ago. Why only twelve days you ask? Let's be realistic here, I started this "creation" (in my head mind you) LAST CHRISTMAS and have since then somehow lost all the felt I bought for it and now in late June want to begin the process again. In time for THIS Christmas. I think I can do it. Remember...I don't have a sewing machine, so I am actually contemplating HAND SEWING this. My heart says "no prob, not that hard really" but my mind says "are your freaking hilarious or what?". Recall if you will my most recent post about enjoying the "creation" of said projects...not the production. I guess we will just have to see. I am making this blog hold me accountable. I did go buy me a brand new pair of scissors today (like I need another pair...I am a scrapbooker for great's sake)...