I love this woman!

www.pioneerwoman.com There is something so real and simplistic about her but yet not so simple. Admittedly, she claims that she is “a lifelong underachiever”. I think…so am I. But not in a sad, depressing, mopey, gloomy kind of way. More of a perfectly content and happy way. Oh, yeah there are plenty o’ things I can come up with that I would like to change about myself. But let’s face it, those things, if listed, would merely amount to a bunch of little insignificant pet peeve like traits that really would have no concrete effect on the world as a whole, and they may just depress me. I mean, I am not out to solve world hunger here. Just create a happy life and home. I procrastinate…but it gets done. And when it does, the end product really is not too shabby. In college, I always waited until the very last minute to start and complete a HUGE project. I always pulled it out and almost always received high marks (that finance teacher just didn’t understand my way of thinking…she...