
Showing posts from January, 2010

I live with boys.

My friends, my world consists of everything boy. Lots of boys! Little boys, big boys, tiny plastic boys, dinosaurs that are referred to as boy and a dog that is all boy. All boys, all the time. And this, my friends, is how they all respond to me at any given moment of the day. Stick figures! No expression. They just stand there with stupid grins on their faces and act like I am the weird one. I need to get some girly back into my world this year. Pronto!


Today, I am thinking that... I have a bunch of goals whirling about in my head that I need to set in writing. Tomorrow. I have a few pictures that need to be taken. Tomrrow. I have some old friends to catch up with. Tomorrow. Right now... I have to snuggle with my bff Stay tuned...

Welcome, come on in 2010...

I'm ready for you! I'll have to take direction from my littlest...but I think future rock star is the perfect goal to strive for!