I have spent the better part of the past 12-15 years not consuming caffeine (chocolate not included; however I don't really go into a frenzy over that). I almost never drank dark soda (the occasional root beer--caffeine free of course), and always drank 7Up or Ginger Ale as by bubbly alternative...even then, notsomuch. THEN...while I was preggers with son #2, I did nothing by the book! I drank 7Up like it was water, ate sugar like it was going out of style and actually CRAVED an occasional sip or two of the Hub's Pepsi. That was enough, I guess, to turn me to the "dark" side. I fell back in love with this: NOT Coke...it isn't as sweet and as Pepsi (trust me...I have tested both). Oh and it CANNOT be this: For some reason it just tastes better from a plastic bottle than it does from a can. I actually taste tested both and it is true. Try it sometime. I say I fell back in love with Pepsi, when I was growing up...we drank this stuff by the cases. Back then, it came...